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Have you experienced debilitating anxiety, obsessive worry or panic attacks? Have you dealt with acute episodes of sadness, depression and helplessness? Do you take psychiatric medication to deal with these problems? You are not alone! This self-help group offers an opportunity for international and local people suffering from severe anxiety and depression to get together and meet people going through similar problems and situations. By sharing our experiences, we hope to create friendships and help each other to better manage these disorders and move forward in life. Meetings are held in English.
Contact: Adrian anxietygroup.tuebingen@gmail.com or Kontaktstelle für Selbsthilfe im SOZIALFORUM TÜBINGEN e.V. Tel: 0 70 71/ 3 83 63 Monday, Tuesday 9:00-12:00, Thursday 17:00-19:00 herzog@sozialforum-tuebingen.de
We meet regularly in different places in Tübingen city center. Dates and times are arranged via email or whatsapp group
Gehört zur Kategorie: Seelische Gesundheit